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All users of the Call Service (Hereinafter as "the Service") are required to fully understand, accept and agree to the Policy of this service (Hereinafter as "the Policy"), which is part of the Terms of Use Agreement of this site. Violation of the Policy or prohibited acts carried out by any member may, at any time, lead to suspension or termination of use of the Service, and may lead to the removal of their profiles from the site. We also reserve the right to take any actions which we consider reasonable or necessary, without prior notice, against violators of the Policy. By using the Service, you agree that:

Basic Rules:

  • You fully understand how the Service works. When you have concerns about the service provided, please contact our customer support team. We will try to help you achieve the best available solution.

  • If you are not satisfied with the call, you could hang up at any time to stop the charge. By continuing the call, you accept the service quality and agree to pay the cost.

  • Even if you both speak the same language, and you do not need help to communicate with the members, the conversation is still charged at the standard Call service rate.

Prohibited Acts Using the Service:

  • Impersonating another person, or disguising the identity of yourself or someone else (whether entirely or partially during the communication session);

  • Using verbal expressions being obscene, offensive, abusive, threatening, harassing or threatening in nature;

  • Revealing personal information of yourself or of others including, but not limited to, personal passwords, residential addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, social security or credit/debit card details;

  • Requesting property for yourself or for others for any reason;

  • Infringing the rights of others, including copyright or other intellectual property rights;

  • Using the Service for business or solicitation purposes;

  • Sending unsolicited commercial messages or content;

  • Any other acts which violate the laws of the regions or countries of either member.

Risks and Disclaimer:

  • Your call may be listened to and/or recorded for the purposes of quality control, billing administration, judicial or administrative processes or investigation of potential complaints.

    All sessions of the Service are automatically recorded by our system, digitally stamped with time-and-date, and kept for a minimum period of 12 months, during which no one will listen to them except for the above mentioned purpose(s). They will not be deleted before a period of 12 months has elapsed, and at our discretion, may be deleted after that time.

Refund and Compensation:

In addition to the Guiding Principles on credit and payment refund as stated in the Master Terms of Use of LatamDate, the following refund criteria are specific to the Service.

    Credits cannot be refunded:
  • If you are not satisfied with the content or behavior of the other party during the conversation, or the result of the call does not meet your expectations.

  • If you, because of personal reasons or error, fail to make a call within the scheduled time or need to cancel or reschedule.

  • For any reason whatsoever if using the Call Me service.

You may only request a refund if you fail to make a call within the scheduled time or need to cancel or reschedule because of error of the other party or service provider, in which case you will need to contact Customer Care for refund of the credits charged for making the Call Request.

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