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1.What is Call service and how do I make a call?
2.When should I call?
3.Any advice on making a successful Scheduled Call?
4.How do I pay for the call? (Calling Fees)
5.Where can I find my Call ID?
6.Why is my Call ID invalid?
7.I didn’t place the call on time. Can I call again? (What is the valid calling period?)
8.I have my Call ID, what are the dialing instructions?
9.What is the Call Me service and how does it work?
10.How much does it cost if the other member calls me?
11.Will the member decline or ignore my authorization requests?
12.Can I re-submit an authorization which has been previously declined by members?
13.Can I revoke my authorization for Call Me?

 1. What is Call service and how do I make a call?
Call service is a telephone service enabling you talk to other members easily. You can connect directly or in a 3-way call with additional assistance. You can schedule a call in advance or connect instantly. To learn more about this service and make a call, please click here.
 2. When should I call?
To make sure that the call receivers are well-prepared, you are strongly recommended to make an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. Please take the time differences into consideration and state clearly the exact time of the call in your invitation mail. To check the time difference, please click here.
 3. Any advice on making a successful Scheduled Call?
Before using our Call service, you are highly recommended to read through the following tips:

1) Sending the invitation
- Fix the date and time with the member at least 1 day prior to the scheduled call time.
- Choose a time suitable for both of you and take into account the time difference. Use the time conversion tool.

2) Accepting your Love Call request
- After fixing the date and time, you will receive a Call request. You need to accept the call request at least two hours before the scheduled time. Only after you accept the request can you use Call to contact the member. Find and manage your Call Requests.
- Check the information and make sure it is correct, such as the date and time, your time zone, if Daylight Savings Time is applicable, etc.

3) Collecting necessary information
- After accepting the call, you will find the required information, such as the  Call ID, in your Scheduled Calls folder. Take note of the Call ID and scheduled call time.
- Take note of the call center number. You will need to dial your country's international call prefix before entering our call center number. For example, if you are calling from the U.S. or Canada, you will need to dial 011 852 3726 0899 or  011 852 3726 0808.
- Please note that our call center is in Hong Kong so you do not need to dial the "86" country code for Mainland China.

4) Making final preparations for the call
- Double check that you have enough credits in your account. You need at least 2 credits in your account to make a call. We suggest you purchase more credits for a smoother call with the other member.
- Make sure your phone can make international calls. If you are unsure about this, please contact your phone service provider. Also, if you are making the call using a third-party software such as Skype, please make sure it is installed properly.
- In case you happen to be unavailable at the time of call, you may inform the member via EMF Mail or live chat service to arrange another time.
 4. How do I pay for the call? (Calling Fees)
You must use Credits to pay for the Call.

- Reservation fee: 1 Qpid Credit. 
- Airtime charge: 1 Qpid Credit per minute.
 5. Where can I find my Call ID?
Click on Call Service-> Scheduled Calls to find your Call ID for scheduled calls.
 6. Why is my Call ID invalid?
The system will automatically generate an eight-digit Love Call ID after you have confirmed the Love Call request. This ID is unique - each scheduled call has a different Love Call ID - and needs to be entered in order to connect to the lady. After you confirm a Love Call request, go to the Scheduled Calls page and you will see the eight-digit Love Call ID.

Possible reasons for your Love Call ID's being invalid include:
-The ID entered is not within the valid call period (from 2 hours before the scheduled call time to 2 hours after the scheduled call time);
-Too many attempts to enter the ID have been made;
-The pound key (#) was not pressed after entering the ID;
-The ID was not entered within 25 seconds; The ID entered is not for the scheduled call;
-The ID entered is incorrect.

If it is not one of the above reasons, please provide us with more details about your problem, such as at which step you encountered the problem, or any error messages you encountered.
 7. I didn’t place the call on time. Can I call again? (What is the valid calling period?)
You can make repeated calls during the valid calling period. The valid calling period starts 2 hours before the scheduled call time and lasts for 4 hours.

If you did not make the call and the valid calling period has already expired, then you will need to schedule a new call.
 8. I have my Call ID, what are the dialing instructions?
i. Dial our operation center number +852 3726 0899 or +852 3726 0808. You need to dial your country's international call prefix before entering our call center number.
ii. Follow the instructions and enter the Call ID.
iii. You will be connected to the member directly or in a three-way, which depends on the discussion between you and the other member.
 9. What is the Call Me service and how does it work?
Call Me allows your favorite members to call you. A member can initiate a call at specified times according to your authorization. To learn more about how this service works, click here.
 10. How much does it cost if the other member calls me?
The price of Call Me service is as follows:
- Adding new authorizations is FREE.
- Airtime charge: 1 Qpid Credit per 1 minute.
 11. Will the member decline or ignore my authorization requests?
It depends. All members have the right to decline or ignore any authorization requests.
 12. Can I re-submit an authorization which has been previously declined by members?
Yes, go to Authorization Closed, click on the authorization to open the form, and press "Modify" at the bottom of the page to re-open the authorization.
 13. Can I revoke my authorization for Call Me?
Yes. Go to Call Me > Successful Authorization. Click on the authorization number to open the form. Press the "Revoke" button at the bottom of the page to remove the member from the list.

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